68TH STREET - Yoshihiko Ueda
上田義彦 「68TH STREET」
上田義彦写真展「68th Street 光の記憶」の開催に併せ、『68TH STREET』を出版致します。
916Press & United Vagaboneds / 360 x 254 mm / 140 pages / 64 photos / 2018年4月出版
To coincide with the opening of Yoshihiko Ueda's photography exhibition “68th Street: Memories of Light” the photography book 68TH STREET is now available.
68th Street: Memories of Light captures on monochrome photographic paper the light that is photography’s destiny, and was Ueda’s challenge, as he followed—his motif a single sheet of white paper—light falling from the window of his room on New York’s 68th Street—waxing and waning, changing in form from moment to moment—and the shadows this created.
After shooting, these images of fathomless light and shadow were promptly entrusted in New York to art director and old acquaintance Fabien Baron, and assembled into this gem of a book on which the timeline of the shoot is etched in the track of the light. This is in fact the first collaboration between Ueda and Fabien Baron in twenty-five years, since the magazine Visionaire.
published by 916Press & United Vagabonds / 360 x 254 mm / 140 pages / 64 Photos / published in April 2018
¥10,800(with Tax)
Stay - Charlotte Dumas
Charlotte Dumas 「Stay」
道産子、木曽、野間、対州、御崎、トカラ、宮古、与那国まで.... 日本古来より残り続けてきた在来馬が、そこで暮らす人々とどのように関わり、どのような価値を見出されてきたのか。
916Press & AKAAKA / 120ページ / 277 x 225 mm / 59 photos / 2016年10月出版
The culmination of a project to document Japan's native horse breeds, this book contains around 60 portraits of the eight remaining breeds around the country.
From Dosanko to Kiso, Noma, Tsushima, Misaki, Tokara, Miyako and Yonaguni, how have the native ponies surviving in Japan since the earliest times been involved with people in these places, and how have they added value to their lives? For her latest endeavor, Charlotte Dumas journeyed to all eight locations to trace the history of these fascinating animals, and capture their everyday lives in intimate detail.
916Press & AKAAKA / 120 pages / 277 x 225 mm / 59 photos / published in October 2016
¥3,564 ( with Tax )
M.Ganges (with bookcase)
M.Ganges (with bookcase)
森、川、海から人へ… 原始の記憶を辿るMシリーズ最終章。 ご購入をご希望の方は、当ギャラリーまでご連絡ください。
916Press / 100ページ / 288 x 266 mm / 61 photos / 2014年4月出版
To coincide with the opening of Yoshihiko Ueda's photography exhibition “M.Ganges” the photography book M.Ganges is now available.
'Occasionally I began to sense myself not gazing at somebody in the photo, but seeing myself in the photo I'd taken. In my line of sight: my memories, or rather, in fact, memories from a distant past that for some reason did not seem to be my own. Spying an old dog I discern the sorrowful scent of death, and at the same time, that dog could almost be me; sometimes it feels like the landscape that looks dim and hazy as she totters along is no longer hers, that she may be seeing far distant memories. Perhaps one can see distant memories by sniffing the stench of death; the hazy light and shadow, color and form being all that remain, an unfathomable feeling of nostalgia suffuses my heart with stunning intensity, a sudden fit of weeping assailing me. Lamentation and delight and uncertain memories become light and color without contour, embracing me. The memories of dogs, of birds, of trees, of rivers, of mountains: my chest tightens with a wistful pang at the memories of each and every thing in this world. Photographs are memories of gazes, of faraway places, of people and times that have passed.'
Yoshihiko Ueda
From forest to river, sea to people... “M.Ganges,” the last in Yoshihiko Ueda's M series tracing primeval memories, offers an irresistible smorgasbord of fifty-eight carefully chosen images.
916Press / 100 pages / 288 x 266 mm / 61 photos / published in April 2014
¥8,640 ( with Tax )
Kazumi Kurigami
Kazumi Kurigami
916Press & Akaaka / 98ページ / 277 x 225 mm / 46 photos / 2013年11月出版
To coincide with the opening of Kazumi Kurigami's photography exhibition “PORTRAIT,” the photography book is now available.
Kurigami examines his subjects with an acute and penetrating eye, burning what he perceives through his senses onto the film. In concert with the powerful line of sight of the subjects he captures within his lens, his photographs have a liveliness that touches the heart of their viewers. Please take advantage of this opportunity to experience the portraits of Kazumi Kurigami, not just a fragment of time separated from reality, but something that will remain alive and fresh forever.
Published by 916Press & Akaaka / 98 pages / 277 x 225 mm / 46 photos / pubished in November 2013
¥3,564 ( with Tax )
Kozo Miyoshi
Kozo Miyoshi
三好耕三写真展「1972~」の開催に伴い、写真集「Kozo Miyoshi」を出版致します。
916Press & Akaaka / 136ページ / 277 x 225 mm / 69 photos / 2013年8月出版
To coincide with the opening of Kozo Miyoshi’s photography exhibition “1972~,” the photography book Kozo Miyoshi is now available.
For Miyoshi, who continues to travel widely as if enticed by the images in his mind, chance encounters are an inevitability. Wherever he trains his lens, there seem to be subjects that linger with carefree expressions, as if having realized their own fate. So fine are his prints, which conjure a quiet monochrome world, that one can almost hear their presence and breathing. The catalogue contains 69 pictures that offer fresh insights into the origins of Kozo Miyoshi.
Published by 916Press & Akaaka / 136 pages / 277 x 225 mm / 69 photos / pubished in August 2013
¥3,564 ( with Tax )
Daido Moriyama
Daido Moriyama
森山大道写真展「1965~」の開催に伴い、写真集「Daido Moriyama」を出版致します。氏にとって、街は一つの巨大な欲望体であり、世界はエロティックに迫り来るものでした。瞬間に自らの欲望を見出し、ラディカルに「写真とは何か」を問い続ける森山大道の軌跡を106点の写真で綴った一冊です。
916Press & Akaaka / 128ページ / 277 x 225 mm / 106 photos / 2013年6月出版
ISBN 9784990673321
To coincide with the opening of Daido Moriyama’s photography exhibition “1965~,” the photography book Daido Moriyama is now available. For Moriyama, the city was a single vast object of desire, and the world something that loomed erotically. This catalogue contains 106 pictures that trace the career of a photographer who sought in each moment his own desire and never ceased questioning in a radical manner “What is photography?”
Published by 916Press & Akaaka / 128 pages / 277 x 225 mm / 106 photos / pubished in June 2013
¥3,564 ( with Tax )
ISBN 9784990673321
M. River
M. River
上田義彦写真展「M. River」の開催にともない、写真集「M. River」を出版する運びとなりました。Materiaから始まった命の大元(おおもと)を撮影しようという上田の試みは、徐々にその姿を変え、命の根源にせまろうとしています。昨年早春、屋久島に流れる太古の奥山の源流を撮影した20点を収めた珠玉の一冊となっております。
916Press & Akaaka / 58ページ / 277 x 225 mm / 20 photos / 2013年3月出版
To coincide with the opening of Yoshihiko Ueda’s photography exhibition “M. River,” the photography book M. River is now available. Ueda’s search for ways to capture the origins of life as it springs from materia has gradually undergone transformation as he attempts to photograph the source of life. The photo-collection is a single volume containing the twenty gems photographed last year in early spring of the ancient headwaters deep in the mountains of Yakushima.
Published by 916Press & Akaaka / 58 pages / 277 x 225 mm / 20 photos / pubished in March 2013
¥2,808 ( with Tax )
Y.Ernest Satow
Y.Ernest Satow
アーネスト・サトウ氏の写真展「Light and Shadow」の開催にともない、写真集『Y.Ernest Satow』を出版する運びとなりました。本書は、氏が写真を始めて間もない1955年頃より1976年頃までの約20年間に絞り、写真を撮ることの喜びに溢れ、夢と情熱がほとばしり輝くニューヨーク時代を中心とした66点を収めた一冊。
916Press / 136ページ / 277mm x 225mm / 66 photos / 2013年1月出版
ISBN 9784990673314
Gallery 916 is delighted to announce an release of “Y. Earnest Satow” an photography book coincide with an exhibition “Light and Shadow.”
This catalogue contains 66 pictures of his glittering New York era with its outpouring of hopes and dreams and passion for photography, which focus on approximately 20 years from circa 1955 when Satow was just embarking on his career in photography to circa 1976.
Published by 916Press / 136 pages / 277mm x 225mm / 66 photos / Publishd in January 2013
¥3,456 ( with Tax )
ISBN 9784990673314
First Born - Arita Taiji
有田泰而 「First Born」
写真家 有田泰而、幻の傑作「First Born」です。多くのオリジナル・プリントが散逸してしまっていたため、上田義彦が数カ月かけてプリントし直し、厳選して展示した50数点を写真集にまとめました。
赤々舎 / 168ページ / 277mm x 225mm / 75 photos / 2012年11月出版
ISBN 9784903545899
Photographer Taiji Arita's visionary masterpiece, First Born, has finally been published in book form. To purchase a copy, please contact the gallery.
Published by Akaaka / 168 pages / 277mm x 225mm / 75 photos / Publishd in November 2012
¥3,564 ( with Tax )
ISBN 9784903545899
Ralph Gibson
Ralph Gibson
916 Press / 120ページ / 277mm x 225mm / 58 photos / 2012年7月出版
ISBN 9784990673307
We are pleased to introduce you the catalogues that published to coincide with the exhibition Ralph Gibson “1960~.” It includes a copy of all 58 of his wonderful works exhibited in the gallery. Please contact us for inquiry.
Published by 916Press / 120 pages / 277mm x 225mm / 58 photos / Publishd in July 2012
¥3,909 ( with Tax )
ISBN 9784990673307
Materia - Yoshihiko Ueda
上田義彦 「Materia」
求龍堂より中島英樹のブックデザインによる写真集が刊行されました。 この写真は、上田義彦が2011年3月の東日本震災直後、屋久島への渡航を決意し、自然との対話を行うことで得られた、「新たな森の写真」です。 あらためて言うまでもなく、1991年に上田義彦が発表した作品『QUINAULT』は、森のもつ原始の力を感応させた名作として、今も世界のコレクターやキュレーターを魅了し続けています。 そして2012年、全く異なる森の写真がここに現れました。
求龍堂 / 72ページ / 301mm x 397mm / 31 photos / 2012年2月出版
ISBN 9784763012043
Materia, the book A new photo book published by Kyuryudo and featuring book design by Hideki Nakajima. The photographs are “new forest photographs” arising out of a dialogue with nature by Yoshihiko Ueda, who after the cataclysmic earthquake and tsunami of March 2011 in northeastern Japan fulfilled a long-held desire to travel to Yakushima. In 1991, Ueda unveiled the “Quinault” series, a masterpiece that brought people in touch with the primordial power of forests and continues to captivate collectors and curators the world over. Now, in 2012, comes this completely new collection of forest photographs.
Published by Kyuryudo / 72 pages / 301mm x 397mm / 31 photos / Publishd in February 2012
¥5,940 ( with Tax )
ISBN 9784763012043
© Gallery 916